NEASC 2014 Accreditation Report for NRHS

Wed, Nov 12, 2014
The Distribution, Use, and Scope of the Visitng Committee Report: 

The Committee on Public Secondary Schools of the New England Association of Schools and Colleges considers this visiting committee report of North Reading High School to be a privileged document submitted by the Committee on Public Secondary Schools of the New England Association of Schools and Colleges to the principal of the school and by the principal to the state department of education. Distribution of the report within the school community is the responsibility of the school principal. The final visiting committee report must be released in its entirety within sixty days (60) of its completion to the superintendent, school board, public library or town office, and the appropriate news media.

The prime concern of the visiting committee has been to assess the quality of the educational program at North Reading High School in terms of the Committee's Standards for Accreditation. Neither the total report nor any of its subsections is to be considered an evaluation of any individual staff member but rather a professional appraisal of the school as it appeared to the visiting committee.

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