Social Studies Department Overview

NOW MORE THAN EVER, students need the intellectual power to recognize societal problems; ask good questions and develop robust investigations into them; consider possible solutions and consequences; separate evidence-based claims from parochial opinions; and communicate and act upon what they learn. And most importantly, they must possess the capability and commitment to repeat that process as long as is necessary. Young people need strong tools for, and methods of, clear and disciplined thinking in order to traverse successfully the worlds of college, career, and civic life.  (C3 Framework for Social Studies State Standards)

In the NRHS Social Studies Department, we do not study the past for its own sake.  We study the past to understand our place in the local, state, national and global communities, and to develop the critical thinking skills necessary to become informed and active citizens within a democratic society.   Studying history and the social sciences develops within students the capacity for accurate evaluation and reflection that will enable them to confidently take positions on issues and, when necessary, also take informed action.   Toward this end we challenge students to read critically and actively, to listen attentively, to speak coherently, and to write with purpose.  The knowledge and skills we seek to foster within students will better prepare them for college, for their career, and ultimately for their civic life.