Report Card Distribution Update

Dear Families,

I just wanted to provide you an update relative to report card distribution. As a district, we are going back to using the Parent Plus Portal to distribute report cards this year.  Our revised standards-based report card is currently being formatted to work with our system and we will be placing these in the “E Locker” at the end of the trimester.  For those of you with active accounts, please make sure that you are able to log in and access your portal.  

*For those families without an active account, I will be sending out login information soon. Please look for this email from the system. Here is the web address for the Hood School Plus Portal:

Lastly, please be reminded that there is no school tomorrow, October 6th for Staff Professional Development and again on Monday, October 9th for Columbus Day. Please feel free to check out the school calendar on our website as a means to stay current with the school schedule as well as school events.