FY'25 Preliminary School Budget Update

FY'25 School Budget
FY' 25 Budget

FY'25 Preliminary School Budget Update 

The Administration presented it’s FY’25 Preliminary School Budget to the North Reading School Committee at this week School Committee meeting on Monday, March 11, 2025.

The fiscal year 2025 school recommended budget is like prior years budgets in that it represents a modified level services budget. That means that spending has essentially been the same as the previous year apart from modifications due to shifts in enrollment, contractual salary obligations, operational fixed cost increases, and modest enhancements driven by the District’s strategic plan to make continuous improvements to the school department.  The fiscal year 2025 recommended budget for the school department is currently $40,679,524. This represents a 9% or $3,359,929 increase over fiscal year 2024 and is currently significantly greater than what the Town has available to fund both school and town budgets for fiscal year 2025. The budget gap to achieve the Superintendent’s proposed recommended budget has presented on March 11 is $1,907,396. The budget gap to achieve a level services school budget is currently $1,200,507.

The Administration and School Committee over the next several weeks hope to continue to work in close collaboration with Town Officials to identify options to close this funding gap to help avoid major budget reductions and support both School and Town needs. Among those options that will be discussed is the possibility of an operating budget override. Such an option has not been done in North Reading since 2005.  Many of the decisions to bring the fiscal year 2025 budget into balance will be very difficult ones on the part of the Administration and the School Committee in the coming weeks as we work to find a solution to the large budget gap that exists.    

Many cost drivers and challenges drove the fiscal year 2025 budget, which led to the need to make staffing and expense adjustments all netting to a $3,359,929 increase over the fiscal year 24 appropriation. 

These factors can be summarized by the following bulleted points:

  • “NRPS 2025: A Strategy for the Future” (Year Five);
  • Maintains and adds staff to: (1) maintain educationally sound student/teacher ratios especially at the elementary level; (2) enhance academic support systems  to address any areas of learning loss and support early intervention strategies for students struggling in math and literacy (3) maintain adequate health and safety services for all students, staff and the school community (4) address the social, emotional and mental health needs of all students (5) enhance the curriculum leadership model within the district to support all educators in curriculum, instruction and assessment strategies;
  • Offering of free universal free day kindergarten for all families
  • Contractual obligations with employees and employee unions;
  • Continuation of the District 1:1 student device program in grades K thru 12;
  • Associated operational costs to properly maintain all five schools and surrounding campuses.

The FY 2025 recommended Preliminary budget includes funded need to add position at the elementary schools to account for the increase in enrollment at the kindergarten and grade one levels to ensure class sizes will remain with recommended guidelines of 18 to 22 students. The below chart includes a cost of $199,986 to add 2.4 FTE classroom teacher position to maintain the same class size ratios and support services at each elementary school.

School /Dept.





1.0 FTE Grade Level Teacher



Batchelder School

0.50 FTE Kindergarten Teacher




0.50 FTE Music, Art, PE/Health



Hood School

0.4 FTE Special Education Teacher




2.4 FTE



The FY 2025 recommended Preliminary Budget includes funding needed to implement a portion of Year Five of the school district’s developing strategic plan, “NRPS 2025: A Strategy for the Future.” The three major strategy areas of “NRPS 2025” are Teaching and Learning, Student Support Services, and Equity. The budget priorities identified below are directly connected to all three of the major strategy areas and are supported by the work of the Leadership Team on the strategic plan.

The “Modified Level Services” budget includes an increase of 5.6 FTE positions, which are listed as priorities in the strategic vision of the school District. These new positions reflected in the recommended Preliminary Budget include:

School /Dept.

NRPS: 2025 Needs


NRPS 2025 Strategy


0.6 FTE School Adjustment Counselor


Student Support / Equity


1.0 FTE Math Coach


Teaching & Learning


1.0 FTE Literacy Coach


Teaching & Learning

MS / Elem.

2.0 FTE Academic Interventionist


Teaching & Learn. / Support


1.0 FTE Humanities Coordinator


Teaching & Learning


5.6 FTE





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