August 1 Newsletter

August 2021

Dear Members of the J. Turner Hood School Community:

It is hard to believe that we have entered the month of August. The summer is passing very quickly and we will soon be back together as a school community. If you are new to our school community, welcome. Over the next weeks you will start to receive a plethora of information relative to the upcoming school year. From this point on,  you will receive weekly updates for the school.

Retirement- As we reflect on the previous school year, we said goodbye to one retiree who will be moving on to her future aspirations. Mrs. Hegarty has retired  from the North Reading Public Schools. It was nice to join her  at a recent school committee meeting where she was recognized for her dedication to the students of our school and her service to the North Reading Public Schools. Please feel free to stop by our lending library dedicated in honor to this professional. Here is a link to some information on our lending library:

The lending library is the centerpiece of our soon to be completed outdoor instructional space. A special thank you to Mr. Petrillo of Petrillo Landscaping, our Custodians and Mr. Quinlan  for helping me create this space.

Book Study Announcement- As we prepare for the upcoming school year, please know that we will be engaging in a book study open to all stakeholder groups. More information to follow. As we look at social emotional learning and our current practices, we will be reading  Permission to Feel by Marc Brackett.

Congratulations to our Cambridge Science Festival award winners: Aidan MacAdams, Trisha Goel and Parker Burnham.

Please see the following link to our 2021-2022 School Year:

Please enjoy the last few weeks of summer and I look forward to working with you next school year.