August 11 Newsletter

Dear Members of the J. Turner Hood School Community,

I hope that everyone is continuing to have a safe and fun summer! As we enter the mid-point month of August there are a few things that I want to get out to parents to help them plan for the upcoming school year. Please know that two previous news updates have been sent out in August and that they have been posted to our school website at:

School Calendar- Please be reminded that our school calendar is posted on the district website. Here is the link to our 2021-2022 School Year:

Click Here 

Back to School Night- Our Back-to-School Night/ Open House will be virtual this year. You will receive more information directly from your students' teacher/s. This year our schedule is as follows:

Thursday, September 10th from 5:15 to 7:30 PM.

5:15 to 6:00 PM Grade 4 & Grade 5

6:00 to 6:45 PM Grade 2 & Grade 3

6:45 to 7:30 PM PreK, Kindergarten & Grade 1

Dismissal- As noted in the previous newsletter- The dismissal time from J. Turner Hood Elementary School is a busy time of day. Busses are arriving to bring children home. Parents or child care providers are driving up to the neighborhoods near the school or walking up to pick up their children and older children are walking home alone. It is mandatory for all families to complete a dismissal plan for each child so the school can be aware of the dismissal plan for every J. Turner Hood student. The dismissal plan should indicate how your child will be dismissed the majority of the time so that we know which children will be met by parents, which ones will be taking a bus, who will be walking alone, and how many children will be “placard pick-up students.” 

The following link contains more information relative to our procedure for dismissal. Please complete one for each Hood School student prior to August 23, 2021.

Great News! As of now, 35 percent of the population has completed the form.

Arrival- As of now, we have not made any changes to the morning arrival process at the school. I will be sure to send out a detailed outline once we are in receipt of any guidance related to this matter. At this time we are not and I am not anticipating any changes but I feel it is best to remain flexible. Please be assured, you will be advised on the procedure before the start of school.  

Book Study- Please be on the lookout for an invitation to participate in our first schoolwide (virtual-synchronous and asynchronous) book study led by Mrs. Gorman, Dr. Mansfield, and myself.

We were fortunate to have some extra help this week and we were able to deliver all of the school-related materials and supplies to their various locations. A special thank you to Mrs. String for coordinating this and to Mrs. P, Mrs. Sexton, Mrs. Mastascusa, and Ms. Zimmerman for their efforts.

Twitter: Please remember that the Hood School Twitter account is a wonderful resource to see what is happening at the school. @jthoodelemen

The school will be closed on Thursday and Friday this week for the final cleaning of the summer in order to make sure we are ready to open when members of our school community arrive. Please feel free to email me directly if you need assistance during this closure.

Sincerely, Dr. Glen McKay, Principal