August News

August 5, 2021 Newsletter

We are looking forward to welcoming students back to school in just a few weeks. Our custodial and maintenance crews are busy getting the building ready for students and staff. I would like to thank Mr. Trembley, Mr. Howard & Gino for all of their efforts thus far this summer. Our building has been utilized this summer but we are well on our way to having our school in tip top shape for students and staff to return thanks to their efforts.

Furthermore, Mrs. String has been busy in the main office working to ensure a smooth transition back to school happens for everyone. Furthermore, she had ordered and distributed all of our curriculum materials. This is an arduous task. Thank you for being amazing Mrs. String!

I am hopeful that you are in receipt of Dr. Daly’s August 4th communication relative to fall reopening. If you did not receive that notice please reach out to the school in order to update/check your contact information.

Office Closed: The main office and the lobby of the school will be closed on Thursday and Friday next week for the final cleaning of the summer in order to make sure we are ready to open when members of our school community arrive. Please feel free to email me directly if you need assistance during this closure.

SMART Technology: We have added some additional Smart Boards throughout the building. I am so excited to have our students back and to have the opportunity to watch them as well as our professionals interact with these devices.

Dismissal: The dismissal time from J. Turner Hood Elementary School is a busy time of day. Busses are arriving to bring children home. Parents or child care providers are driving up to the neighborhoods near the school or walking up to pick up their children and older children are walking home alone. It is mandatory for all families to complete a dismissal plan for each child so the school can be aware of the dismissal plan for every J. Turner Hood student. The dismissal plan should indicate how your child will be dismissed the majority of the time, so that we know which children will be met by parents, which ones will be taking a bus, who will be walking alone and how many children will be “placard pick-up students.”

The following link contains more information relative to our procedure for dismissal. Please complete one for each Hood School student prior to August 23, 2021.

Twitter: Please remember that the Hood School Twitter account is a wonderful resource to see what is happening at the school. @jthoodelemen

We look forward to the first day of school!


Dr. McKay, Principal