Mass Support

Mass Support - MassSupport is a statewide support program funded by FEMA and managed in partnership with the Mass Department of Mental health and Riverside Trauma Center. The link to their website can be found here:  Mass Support MassSupport has been offering a variety of support and resources while Massachusetts has been in a state of emergency. One support that MassSupport offers is a virtual psychoeducational presentation on the topic of stress (a psychoeducational presentation where they provide information on the human stress response, how it affects individuals, and strategies for managing stress during the pandemic). MassSupport also offers ongoing “coping groups” where individuals meet together (virtually) to discuss the ways in which they are coping with the stressors of the pandemic. MassSupport offers coping groups geared toward specific populations (e.g. teachers, parents) as well as groups open to anyone. Additional resources shared by MassSupport with NRPS can be found here.