MCAS Letter

March 1, 2024 

Dear Parents of Students in Grades Three, Four and Five,

The Massachusetts Department of Elementary & Secondary Education has released the state assessment testing window for our Grades 3 through 5 Students.

This year, the testing window opens on March 25, 2024, and continues through May 24, 2024.  The exact dates for specific tests have been added to the school calendar which is accessible via our website at:

Throughout the testing period, it is important that every student come to school well rested and nourished.  It is imperative that all children be present during the administration of these tests unless it is unavoidable due to illness or other serious situations. In addition, please do not schedule appointments that interfere with the school day during the testing weeks.  Please encourage your child to try their best and most importantly that they are prepared.

How can I help my child do well?

Some ways that you can help your children:

Make sure your children get enough sleep, eat properly, and get to school on time. Regular attendance is one predictor of academic success. 

Encourage your children to read. Parents, guardians, and siblings can share good books and discuss events to reinforce positive reading habits. Read with your child for a fun activity.

Set times each day for study and homework.

Provide your children with a quiet, well-lit comfortable space to study which includes important supplies like paper, pens, pencils, calculators, rulers, a dictionary and a thesaurus.

Encourage your children to record assignments and due dates in their agenda book.

Check your children’s homework to make sure it is done completely and to the best of their ability.

It is important to reduce test anxiety for your children. Remember to talk about the test in a positive way and let your children know that you have confidence in their ability by focusing on their strengths.

As a school learning community, we have done a significant amount of research on performance character, the growth mindsets that foster success and effective effort. Effective effort is defined as “the hard work and learning strategies a person can use to deliberately get smarter at important knowledge or skills” (Saphier, Haley-Speca & Gower 2008). We, as a school community, respectfully request that you encourage your children to do their best, to show effort, to use their strategies and to have a positive attitude.  These skills are important everyday however, a friendly reminder on the scheduled testing days is warranted.  While we know that these tests will be challenging, we must encourage all students to do their very best. 

It is important that you discuss the upcoming tests with your children and reinforce their importance. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the school.

Please note that electronic devices are prohibited. This includes Smartwatches and Earbuds and as always Cell Phones. 

Thank you in advance for your cooperation and assistance in this important matter.



Glen S. McKay, Principal