Additional June Newsletter

Dear Members of the J. Turner Hood School Community:

It is hard to believe that the end of the school year has arrived!  Ten months have passed very quickly! The year’s end always brings a tremendous sense of accomplishment.  So many great things have been accomplished this year!  As the 2023-2024 school year draws to a close, on behalf of our entire staff, I would like to say thank you to our families for their support during this successful academic year.

Please take a moment to refer to my previous update as it contains a plethora of information relative to the end of the school year.

Here is the link:

With the year-end comes time to say goodbye to Hood School staff that will be moving on. We have two members of our professional community that will be moving along to other schools in our district including Mrs. Anthony and Mrs. Casoli-Vant. These professionals will be missed as they have made an impact on our entire community. We will be welcoming Mrs. Doherty and Mrs. Reed to our school for the upcoming school year. These professionals will be joining us from the E. Ethel Little School.  Mrs. Reed will be a fourth-grade teacher while Mrs. Doherty will teach our additional section of grade one. Other staffing changes in September include welcoming Ms. Campbell back as a Grade 3 teacher covering for Mrs.  Marcus’ leave of absence. We are very excited to have these dedicated professionals joining our school family.


Last week we are able to host our community SEL night meeting and I want to thank all of those that participated and attended. Detective Lucci, Mrs. Blake and Dr. Dowd were very engaging and knowledgeable. Please check out the video of the presentation for information on the following topics:

  • The Updated J. Turner Hood School Expectations SRRK (Safe, Responsible, Respectful and KIND)
  • School Based Social Emotional Learning Professional Group
  • Social Emotional Learning Lessons
  • Meta-Moment Room
  • Social Emotional Resource in School
  • Parent Resources (Beyond the School Day)
  • Therapy Dog
  • North Reading Police School Resources
  • Mental Health Support NRPD
  • Eliot Mobile Crisis

Here is a link to the recording:

Of course, Logan The Therapy Dog was the star of the show. Here is a link to his segment:

Thank you to our Parent’s Association- On behalf of all our students and staff, I would like to pass along a big thank you to the PA Board and other volunteers for their hard work and dedication to our school. Please know that their efforts are the reason that we are able to offer so many wonderful enrichment programs for our students. An additional thank you to Mrs. Liekweg for always coordinating the PA’s efforts.

I personally want to thank our community for a remarkable academic year! Our school is an extraordinary alliance of students, staff, parents, and our local community. I can’t thank you enough for your continuous commitment and support this year. Enjoy the last few days of school and I look forward to working with you next school year. Have a fantastic rest of the month and enjoy your summer days!