College Searches and SAT and ACT Information/Registration

  • College Board's Homepage - SAT registration and preparation, college search, financial aid information and more.
  • Official SAT Practice w/ Khan Academy - students can access a variety of personalized test prep tools and resources.  
  • College Board's BigFuture - students can search for colleges, access information on majors/careers, conduct a scholarship search, and more.  
  • ACT's Homepage -  ACT test registration and preparation, college search and more.
  • Naviance - NRHS student login for Naviance.  College searches and a lot more! 
  • College Navigator – U.S. Department of Education’s college search program.
  • College Scorecard - U.S. Department of Education's College Scorecard, Students can access data related to graduation rates, average costs ofter financial aid, average debt upon graduation.  
  • - The National Center for Fair and Open Testing.  Link to list of colleges/universities who have “SAT/ACT Optional” admissions policies.